Our Mission
Mission Outreach Supporting the Kenyan People
Mission Statement
KMM’s mission is to serve the Lord by partnering with the local church in Kenya to help meet the medical and spiritual needs of the people of Kenya.
What Does KMM Do?
Virtually all medical care in developing nations is provided through the cooperation of churches and non-governmental organizations. Kenya Medical Mission works through the health committee and mission outreach of the Methodist Church in cooperation with the government to provide health care to people of all religions.
Annually, a medical lay work team travels to a remote region of Kenya to assist the people there with their health needs by providing medicine, medical personnel, and training for local community health workers. All board members serve voluntarily, without pay or reimbursement for their travel expenses.
In addition to sending annual medical teams, KMM is dedicated to the education of Kenyan health workers so that they may work to improve the quality of health care in Kenya on a long-term basis. We have been working in Kenya since 1988. During that time we have assisted in training medical doctors, clinical officers, nurses, community health workers, ministers, and teachers. Assistance is through financing and online training.
Help is available to qualified Kenyans who will not have the wherewithal to pursue their career. Qualified Kenyans are selected from villages around Kenya by the local villagers and the health care committee. Accountability is provided in Kenya by the Health Committee and Health care Coordinator of the MCK (Methodist Church in Kenya). KMM in concert with the MCK participates in student selection and in ongoing training. KMM started a training program for rural dental health workers in 2004. We call them Dentologists. Initially, a team of US dentists traveled to Kenya over a period of 7 years. Selected students in Central, Western, and Coastal Kenya were trained in basic dental care. The process is continued by Kenyan dentists today.
In 2020 in response to the Covid 19 Pandemic, KMM Raised money to assist health care providers in obtaining PPE. The MCK health care Coordinator visited villages in areas of Kenya providing them with needed education regarding the prevention of Covid transmission. In addition supplies such as masks and soap were provided along with some basic food supplies. People were told how to make masks and other supplies from what they had locally in their villages.
Kenya Medical Mission
- Provides medicines and supplies for clinics and hospitals
- Provides medical personnel to relieve overworked staff and to train Kenyans
- Develops ancillary health projects
- Educates community health workers
- Contributes to the education of nurses and ministers
- Contributes to the education of Kenyan students at home
- Provides famine relief
- Evangelizes
Bringing people to faith in Christ
Educating people about community health issues, nutrition, AIDS and Covid-19
Providing discipleship training and promoting community development